A VERY LIMITED QUANTITY OF CD SAMPLERS are ready to be sent out to whoever is ready to help the Pink Snowflakes get their sound to the proper places. The four tracks and killer artwork is on a single sleeve and is a taste of what the Pink Snowflakes are capable of creating. The sampler starts off with a rumbling space odyssey titled Gods of Sound along with their first single She's the Planet which is also recorded to vinyl. The other two tracks are quite impressive and take you further than you thought with We were Holograms and We made Machines/ When the snow fell. Exiled Exhaled was slapped together by the Pink Snowflakes and mixed by Johnathan Drews of Sunset Valley and Boston Spaceships in Portland.
The CD Sample offers a glimpse into the wide strange world of the Pink Snowflakes as they come to grips with universal issues and planetary common sense. Exiled Exhaled is not for sale as of yet but will be distributed to radio and various places soon! The Pink Snowflakes are looking for some help to complete their 2nd offering "Exiled to the Planet" as it is promised to be quite the trip.